
沃拉沃拉大学遵循圣经的教导,坚持不懈 威尼斯人彩票直营的哲学 每个人都是按照上帝的形象创造的,具有不可估量的价值和价值. 这种信念使威尼斯人彩票直营反对将人们与机会隔离的障碍. We strive to provide every student and employee a safe environment and an atmosphere of 包容 in harmony with the mission of 沃拉沃拉大学.

因此,学校设立了一个多元化和包容性办公室, 由一个直接向总统汇报并在总统内阁任职的人领导. Our diversity efforts focus on preparing 学生 and employees to challenge inequality by teaching and modeling cultural competency throughout our university community. 



The mission of the Office of 多样性 and Inclusion is to promote learning and working environments free of discrimination on the basis of 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 性别, 年龄, 能力, or 资深的地位. 世界大学的多样性和包容性办公室的存在是为了:

  • 满足不同学生群体的特殊需求.
  • 就多样性问题教育大学社区.
  • 促进这个多元化社区成员之间的理解和建设性关系.
  • 支持和鼓励来自不同背景的教职员工和学生的招聘.
  • 鼓励理解和尊重文化、能力和思维模式的差异.
  • 指导/协调项目和活动,在团体中提供包容和基督精神, 俱乐部, 及各组织.









Jaime Jorge演唱会(@wwuhfsa)




The Associated 学生 of 沃拉沃拉大学 (ASWWU) employs a student diversity and wellness officer who reports directly to their president. 该官员协助包容性委员会, 由学生组成, 讨论与ASWWU的包容性和多样性有关的问题

亚太岛民俱乐部为学生提供充满乐趣的活动, 与亚太岛民文化和遗产相关的教职员工.




Every Sabbath during the school year a group of student leaders and 教师/staff sponsors organize and produce a church service in the Berean style with a worship team and guest speakers.



BSCF是一个面向所有学生的社交俱乐部,注重联谊, 娱乐, 参与其中. 由一个敬业和勤奋的团队领导, 俱乐部举办很多活动,比如烧烤, 圣诞晚会, 野餐, 和更多的.



沃拉沃拉大学 aims to eng年龄 with biblical faithfulness and Christ-like compassion to 学生 who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. We at 沃拉沃拉大学 recognize the vulnerable situation of LGBTQ+ 学生 on our campus and are committed to creating an environment of understanding and acceptance. 出于这个原因, we at 沃拉沃拉大学 establish Haven as a place of eng年龄ment and emotional support for the well-being and success of LGBTQ+ 学生.


通过威尼斯人彩票直营每周的敬拜服务,威尼斯人彩票直营的目标是为学生提供一个宾至如归的空间. We hope people can learn more about the Latin-American culture and experiences of the Hispanic community at Walla Walla. 威尼斯人彩票直营的目标是建立一个围绕敬拜和团契的社区,促进一个有吸引力的敬拜服务. 



Our mission at the 拉萨 is to foster a sense of community and support among individuals who identify as Hispanic or any other 比赛, 同时融入威尼斯人彩票直营对上帝的信仰. We aim to celebrate and promote diversity and cultural herit年龄 of the Hispanic community through education and social events. 作为一个基于信仰的组织, we seek to integrate faith in all aspects of our activities and provide opportunities for spiritual growth and reflection for our members. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that emb比赛s and encour年龄s dialogue and mutual respect among all members.


主席:多洛雷斯·D·莫拉·特赫达 (德洛丽丝.mora@skyscrapernetwork.com)



“Nuestra称Iglesia秘鲁”是一个教会家庭,每个人都欢迎成为其中的一部分. 你是否通过问候参与进来, 唱歌, 演奏乐器, 准备食物, 编程, 说教, 祈祷, 或者只是出现和支持, 你成为这个家庭的一员,你属于这个家庭. 威尼斯人彩票直营创造了一个安全的空间来赞美上帝, 激励的关系, 庆祝威尼斯人彩票直营美丽的拉丁美洲文化. Our mission is to help lead people into a growing relationship with Christ by creating a dynamic environment for authentic worship while also building a strong community through our Sabbath services, 小群体, AY项目, 和协作.

联合牧师:Andy Anaya和Emily Martinez

由该校首席多元化官领导, 多元化委员会每月召开一次会议,由主要大学领导组成, elected 教师 and staff; student leaders; and community members. 委员会定期接受培训, 每年举行一次公开论坛, 为年度组织和年度活动提供指导, 并制定战略计划, 至少每年由总统的内阁和董事会更新和审查. Learn more about 多样性 Council >

The 唐纳德布莱克中心 promotes academic research through annual conferences featuring keynote speakers who are leading academics on subject matter related to the study of 比赛, 种族, 和文化. Learn more about the 唐纳德布莱克中心 history and upcoming events >

The Center for Educational Equity and 多样性 was established to increase research and improve 实践 on issues of diversity 和股票 in the School of Education and Psychology. 这是一个与公众互动的中心, 无论是在WWU校园还是在Walla Walla Valley社区. Learn more about CEED >


沃拉沃拉大学正踏上一段重要的旅程, 让威尼斯人彩票直营的使命宣言更加专注, which affirms that “every person is created in the image of God as a being of inestimable value and worth.”

2018年4月, WWU president John McVay announced eight areas of diversity focus that the university would immediately pursue in keeping with its mission. 从那时起, 学生, 教师, 工作人员已经为每个领域制定了实施步骤和衡量机会:

  1. 修改课堂内外的课程,以支持多元化教育.
  2. 扩大大学教职员工的多元化教育.
  3. 修订政策和程序,消除阻碍多样性进步的障碍.
  4. 改善校园家庭的反馈机制.
  5. 招聘方面的改进将吸引不同的学生、教师和员工.
  6. 定期与利益相关者进行多元化对话和接触.
  7. 通过多样性记分卡进行评估和年度报告.
  8. 增加致力于与多样性有关的活动和角色的资源和人员配备.

这个计划,叫做 威尼斯人彩票直营对多样性的承诺该计划正在付诸行动,并将每年报告进展情况. “The specifics of the plan aren’t just talk; they are an important foundation from which the campus family can take positive, 深思熟虑的, 可衡量的步骤,以促进更多样化的校园社区. It's the kind of community that inspires creativity and compassion and that develops young professionals equipped for a diverse world and future,麦维说.

Pedrito Maynard-Reid, 自2008年起担任世界自然大学校长助理, 说, “Our university family has committed to fostering a respectful and durable pattern of diversity that will enrich each individual, 加强澳门威尼斯人直营网站, 祝福威尼斯人彩票直营所服务的世界. This plan is our roadmap and holds us accountable as we work to provide every student and employee with a safe environment and to model an atmosphere of 包容 and harmony.” 

Read 威尼斯人彩票直营对多样性的承诺 and learn more about our action steps >

A decade ago 沃拉沃拉大学 established the role of chief diversity officer on the WWU campus called the assistant to the president for diversity. 这个职位直接向WWU主席汇报,并在总统的内阁中任职.

The WWU assistant to the president for diversity leads the activities of the 多样性和包容性办公室, 其中包括:

  • 赞助教职员工和学生亲和网络和俱乐部.
  • 为沃拉沃拉大学(BAWWU)黑人校友提供支持.
  • Attending and remaining actively involved in the National Association of 多样性 Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE).
  • 参与地方市民团体和多元化联盟.
  • 对大学的多样性进行基准测试, 包容, 并与其他高等教育机构进行公平统计和努力.
  • 帮助吸引少数民族员工和招收少数民族学生到沃拉沃拉大学.
  • 在学生生活行为干预小组工作, 对多样性问题负有特别责任.
  • 监督唐纳德·布莱克种族、民族和文化研究中心.
  • 担任该校关于个人和企业多样性问题的首席代表, 包容, 和股票, 在威尼斯人彩票直营的五个校区内外都有. 

校长的多元化助理还在校园里领导着一个活跃的多元化委员会. 理事会成员包括:

  • 大学校长.
  • 负责学生生活、学术和招生/校友的副校长.
  • 学生领袖.
  • 威尼斯人彩票直营的人力资源总监.
  • 选举产生的教职员工.
  • 社区成员.

该委员会定期接受关于无意识偏见等主题的培训, 象征主义, 骚扰, 永恒的外国人, mansplaining, 内隐偏见, 文化谦逊是最近的几个例子. 理事会每年举行一次公开论坛, 邀请威尼斯人彩票直营大学校园的成员分享想法或担忧. 另外, 该委员会提供指导并帮助组织一系列活动,如庇哩亚联谊, 黑人历史月, 西班牙传统月, 马丁·路德·金, Jr. 社区、维和周和妇女历史月. 

The council’s strategic plan is updated and reviewed at least yearly by the president’s Cabinet and the 沃拉沃拉大学 校董会. 《澳门威尼斯人直营网站》确定了五个优先目标: 

  1. 识别和获取现有的和需要的资源,优先考虑多样性. 
  2. 通过满足第一代大学生的独特需求,吸引和培养他们. 
  3. 招收和培养少数民族学生, 教师, 工作人员应营造一种超越容忍和表面现象的氛围,实现包容和公平. 
  4. Prepare 学生 who come from homogenous and privileged backgrounds to identify and confront unequal treatment, 实践, 和政策. 
  5. 定期为所有员工提供多元化培训. 

Included among student leaders on the council are leaders from the Associated 学生 of 沃拉沃拉大学’s Inclusive Committee, which meets regularly to address student questions or concerns and to facilitate efforts to improve diversity in student leadership and activities to better nurture diversity on our campuses. 理事会成员还参与了大多数员工招聘委员会, and our human resources team intentionally strives for diversity among the membership of our search committees. 

除了威尼斯人彩票直营的多元化对话和与种族相关的计划, 威尼斯人彩票直营也会考虑性别, 社会经济地位, 家庭教育, 年龄, 以及能力/残疾多样性, 等. 为此,威尼斯人彩票直营要求对员工进行日常培训,包括以下主题:

  • 多样性的协作技能.
  • 建立一个支持性的工作环境.
  • 照顾残疾员工.
  • 认识并避免职场报复.
  • 认识并解决职场欺凌问题. 

We also frequently remind our employees about our standards of conduct to ensure health and safety on our campuses, 包括对歧视或骚扰的期望和政策. 除了常规培训外,特别培训和演讲经常涉及多样性主题.
