Majors, Minors, and Programs
Explore our majors, minors, and programs where academic excellence meets Christian community. 小班授课, 个性化的关注, 实践学习, and outstanding professors, your education will prepare you well. All areas of study are rooted in the liberal arts philosophy, providing a broad-based and well-rounded education.
(509) 527-2132
Jump to a specific department.
生物科学 | 业务 | 化学 | 沟通 | 计算机科学 | Education and Psychology | 工程 |
| 英格lish and Modern Languages | 健康 and Physical Education | 历史与哲学 | 数学 | 音乐 | 护理 |
| 物理 | Pre-Professional Programs | Social Work and Sociology | 技术 | 神学 | 视觉艺术 | Nondepartmental项目

Strategic 沟通 Major (B.A.)
国际 沟通 Major (B.A.)
音乐 Production Major (B.亩.)
国际 沟通 Minor
Speech 沟通 Minor
Pre-Speech-Language Pathology (A.S.)
Professional Writing Certificate
Social Media and Digital Marketing Certificate
Digital 沟通 Major (B.A.)
Media and Production Ministry Minor